0400 099 304

Mon - Fri: 9:00AM - 7:00PM

24/7 emergency removal available


Bee Removal

Southern Cross Bees - Bee Removal Melbourne - Bee and wasp removal

Bee Hive Removal Melbourne

We are always pleased to come collect bee swarms and assist with getting rid of existing bees. Call us first before calling a pest control company. We will safely rehome the bees.

Bee Services

Bee Nest Removal

Southern Cross Bees has years of experience in bee hive removal, bee swarm removal, wasp nest removal and all bee related services. We can rehome bees that may have nested at your property. 

Make an Enquiry

Where Do We Remove Bees From?

Abandonend Hives

Please give us a call if you have bee hives that you no longer want or can’t take care of. 

Residential Hives

Bees may select to use your home as a place for their hive. Wherever they choose, we can safely remove them for you.

Commercial Hives

Bees often nest in buildings and commercial spaces, even on machinery and roof spaces. If you notice a hive at work, let us know and we will safely remove the colony.

Bee Swarm Removal

Bee swarms are not dangerous, the bees are not looking to hurt anyone, they are just simply looking for a new home. Swarming of bees occurs naturally, most frequently in the spring. A mass of bees that resembles a live bunch of grapes that is gathered on a post, hanging from a tree, or other structure is a bee swarm. Period searching for a new home, the bees may remain in this cluster for a short while or for a few days.

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