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Bee Removal Pakenham

Southern Cross Bees - Bee Removal Melbourne - Bee and wasp removal

Bee Hive Removal Pakenham

At Southern Cross Bees, we are passionate about everything bees. Because we advocate for the protection of bee populations, we encourage Pakenham residents to avail of our bee hive removal, wasp nest removal, bee control, and bee removal services instead of turning to pest control to kill them. Relocation and rehoming are a few of our options for rescued bee swarms and bee nests. Call us for enquiries. 

Quality Bee Services in Pakenham

Pakenham Bee Swarm Removal

The average bee swarm only lasts a few days and poses little danger to humans. Bees should only be removed if they are breeding or swarming in a location that poses a threat to adjacent residents or business owners. If the bees believe they or their colony are under danger, they won’t think twice about stinging. Because of the high concentration of insects in a bee nest or swarm, this can be a potentially lethal scenario. You can trust our bee experts at Southern Cross Bees for bee swarm removal. Our process ensures that you, your property, and the bees are safe. 

Signs of a Bee Nest and Bee Hive Removal Pakenham

Within a building, honeybees build their nests in chimneys, wall crevices, roof gaps, and other cavities. There may be a bee nest within your house or buildings if there are an excessive amount of bees buzzing around your yard and home from different angles. Killing the bees shouldn’t be your first move if you see a colony or bee infestation on your Pakenham home. Killing the bees only provides a temporary solution to the issue. Bees are drawn to the pheromones and the hive material, thus, fresh swarms will frequently return and infest the region again. If hives are not removed, they frequently decompose and release unpleasant scents from the wall and/or roof.

Bee Services - Southern Cross Bees
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Bee Control - Southern Cross Bees
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Make an Enquiry

How Long do Bees Live?

Honey bee workers have a life expectancy of five to seven weeks. A worker bee’s life span is divided into two phases: the first few weeks are spent working inside the hive, while the second and third phases are spent foraging outside the hive for nourishment and collecting pollen or nectar. Summer is the busiest time of year for bees, and because of this, worker bees work themselves to death.

What Happens After the Queen Bee Dies?

Bee colonies and queen bees are inseparable. A colony of bees without a queen can’t, regrettably, last for very long. Experts claim that worker bee behaviour changes when a queen bee is not there; they may exhibit agitation or aggression. The eggs laid by worker bees may still not be fertilised, so they all become drones rather than workers.

Estimated Cost of a Bee Removal in Pakenham

Bees are essential for gardens and crops as pollinators. But many species have a reputation for hurting people with their stings and even causing property damage as they construct their hives and nests. It’s time to hire a bee removal specialist if you’re having problems with these insects’ buzz. The most expensive kind of infestations need the removal of necessary walls and are structural. Depending on the size and difficulty of the work, the cost to remove bees might range from $120 to $1,000. Remove a beehive or swarm in Pakenham with the help of Southern Cross Bees.

Where Do We Remove Bees From?

Abandoned Hives

Please give us a call if you have bee hives that you no longer want or can’t take care of. We promise that at our rescue apiaries, your bees will get excellent care.

Residential Hives

We have seen bees in just about any place you can think of, bees may select to use your home as a great place for their hive, wherever they choose, we can safely remove them for you.

Commercial Hives

Bees don’t discriminate, bees often nest in buildings and commercial spaces, even on machinery and roof spaces. If you notice a hive at work, let us know and we will safely rehome the colony.

Bee Control Specialists in Pakenham 3810, VIC

Pakenham, which originated as a tiny community established around a railway station on the way to Gippsland, is now a Melbourne commuter suburb located 57 kilometres east of the city’s core. After the two world wars, fruit and vegetable farming became a mainstay of soldier settlement, and processing facilities were constructed. Pakenham received suburban electric rail service in 1975, and since the Princes Highway bypassed the city centre in 2007, the area has become more liveable. Sir Edward Pakenham, a British Major General who participated in the Peninsular War, was the inspiration for the name Pakenham (19 March 1778 – 8 January 1815). The construction of the Lakeside, Heritage Springs, and Cardinia Lakes estates, as well as other recent home projects, have helped Pakenham become a significant growing region in southeastern Melbourne.

Many Pakenham homeowners seek the help of Southern Cross Bees’ bee removal specialists for a bee swarm removal, bee control, bee management, and bee nest removals. Secure your home and protect your family while safeguarding the bee population through bee rehoming. 

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