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Bee Removal Rye

Southern Cross Bees - Bee Removal Melbourne - Bee and wasp removal

Bee Hive Removal Rye

We offer first-rate beehive removal services in Rye for residential and commercial properties. We provide emergency and same-day services around-the-clock to keep you, your loved ones, and your coworkers safe from bees and wasps. Calling pest control is unnecessary if you use Southern Cross Bees’ bee services instead!

Top-notch Bee Services in Rye

Honey Bee Swarm Removals in Rye

Southern Cross Bees offers bee swarm removal and nest removal services for native Australian bees in Rye, Port Sea, Warragul, and other nearby neighbourhoods. Our services are prompt, thorough, and efficient. Once the client calls, we also respond immediately and arrive on time. 

Bee Nests vs Bee Hives Rye

Bees’ nests are different from beehives in that they form organically. All bee species produce nests, but honeybees may build them independently in addition to living in hives. Bees like to make their nests in remote areas, but occasionally they’ll nest in lawns or roof cavities and present a problem. There are a variety of bee nests, each one different from the next, depending on the species.

Southern Cross Bees addresses bee hive removal and bee nest removal in Rye at great prices. Call us to know more! 

Bee Swarm Removals - Southern Cross Bees
Honey - Raw honey for sale, buy raw honey locally
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Bee Control Service - Southern Cross Bees

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What is the Most Common Bee Species in Australia?

The Australian continent is covered with scorching, arid deserts in the middle, humid tropical rainforests in the far north, and snow-capped mountains in the south. Most of Australia’s various environments have native bees. The European honey bee is the most widespread of the bee species. Western (or European) honey bees, also known as Apis mellifera, are, without a doubt, the most productive animals in the world. They are also the most famous bees and live in a colony housed in a nest. While beekeepers manage some nests in beehives, other nests are found in the wild.

Tips on Bee Control for your Rye Home

Bees use their enhanced sense of smell to locate potential pollen sources, which is a significant advantage over human beings. The acuteness of a bee’s sense of smell is around 100 times greater than that of a person! Bees are drawn to pleasant scents by nature, and they hate the scents of peppermint, citronella, geranium, Eugenol, eucalyptus, rosemary, Cedarwood, citrus, vinegar, and particularly garlic. Knowing the kinds of scents that bumblebees and honeybees love and dislike could help you control the bee population in your Rye home. 

Cost of Rye Bee Removal

The industry average for bee removal and bee hive removal in Rye can range from $120 to $1,000, depending on the job’s size and the bee nest’s placement complexity. Here at Southern Cross Bees, we ensure that our bee removal costs are transparent and competitive for all our clients. To get an estimate from our bee specialists, give us a call.

Where Do We Remove Bees From?

Abandoned Hives

Please give us a call if you have bee hives that you no longer want or can’t take care of. We promise that at our rescue apiaries, your bees will get excellent care.

Residential Hives

We have seen bees in just about any place you can think of, bees may select to use your home as a great place for their hive, wherever they choose, we can safely remove them for you.

Commercial Hives

Bees don’t discriminate, bees often nest in buildings and commercial spaces, even on machinery and roof spaces. If you notice a hive at work, let us know and we will safely rehome the colony.

Bee Nest Removal Professionals in Rye 3941, VIC

In the Shire of Mornington Peninsula local government region, Rye is a beach town on the Mornington Peninsula in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. It is situated around 63 kilometres southwest of Melbourne’s CBD. Rye, which is located west of Government Road and Weeroona Street and partially in the parish of Wannaeue, was established as a town on February 26, 1861. Nestled between Rosebud and Blairgowrie on the Mornington Peninsula, a well-liked vacation spot, lies the seaside town of Rye. In this region, Rye stretches southward over the Mornington Peninsula’s short breadth all the way to the shoreline that faces Bass Strait’s vast seas. Along this stretch of coast you’ll find Mornington Peninsula National Park, which is home to beautiful hiking trails, coastal rocks, dune fields, and even a small stretch of sandy beach. Tasman Drive descends to the sandy bay at Number 16 Beach via a footpath and steps. The major road in Rye, which is located on the Port Phillip coast, is Point Nepean Road, which runs parallel to Rye’s principal beach. This beach offers sandy, safe swimming and boating areas that are family-friendly.

Protect your loved ones, your home, and the bees with our bee removal services in Rye. Don’t panic when you see a bee swarm or a bee nest stuck on your wall. Call us, relax, and let us get the work done quickly! 

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