0400 099 304

Mon - Fri: 9:00AM - 7:00PM

24/7 emergency removal available


Bees for Sale

Southern Cross Bees provides high-quality honey bee packages to customers around Australia. Our experienced beekeepers examine our honey bees regularly to ensure they are mite and disease free. 

Honey bee shipments are shipped in the most practical way so as to decrease stress on the insects. 

Our honey bees have shown to be both peaceful on the comb and productive in terms of nectar. They carefully regulate their brood size, letting them endure winter with a smaller cluster of bees, and requiring less food during the cold season.

When you purchase honey bees from Southern Cross Bees, you will get access to our experienced beekeepers. We stand behind all of our goods and will offer you support in your beekeeping endeavours. 

About honey bees…

Honey bees are social insects that build their colonies around a single queen. Honey bee workers are all female and are the only bees that people often come into contact with outside of the hive. They protect the colony from intruders, build honeycombs, and hunt for food. Their presence aids in the pollination of flowers, fruits, and vegetables. To survive the winter season, they huddle together and feed on stored honey and pollen. All honeybees have the attribute of being cooperative and social.

Southern Cross Bees - Bee Removal Melbourne - Bee and wasp removal

Bees for Sale Melbourne

Bee Services

Buying a Honey Bees

When you purchase honey bees from Southern Cross Bees, you will get assistance and service from our experienced beekeepers right in your own neighbourhood. We stand behind all of our goods and will be there to offer you with the support you deserve. Over the years, our skilled beekeeper has produced some of the greatest queens and honey bees. We try our best to deliver the best honeybee package to the designated pickup site on the appointed dates.

Make an Enquiry

Where Do We Remove Bees From?

Abandonend Hives

Please give us a call if you have bee hives that you no longer want or can’t take care of. 

Residential Hives

Bees may select to use your home as a place for their hive. Wherever they choose, we can safely remove them for you.

Commercial Hives

Bees often nest in buildings and commercial spaces, even on machinery and roof spaces. If you notice a hive at work, let us know and we will safely remove the colony.

Honey Bees

Honeybees are social insects that build their colonies around a single queen. Honeybee workers are all female and are the only bees that people often come into contact with outside of the hive. They protect the colony from intruders, build honeycombs, and hunt for food. Their presence aids in the pollination of flowers, fruits, and vegetables. To survive the winter season, they huddle together and feed on stored honey and pollen. All honeybees have the attribute of being cooperative and social.

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Bee Swarm Removals - Southern Cross Bees
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