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Bee Hives for Sale

A beehive is essential for beekeeping. If you aim to be a backyard beekeeper, you will need to build a hive for your bees so that you can maintain a healthy colony. This will allow you to harvest honey to your heart’s content.

Southern Cross Bees are here to support and assist you in selecting a bee hive to suit your needs. We have expertise and experience which we are happy to pass on to you. Feel free to contact us for advice and a quote.

Southern Cross Bees - Bee Removal Melbourne - Bee and wasp removal

Bee Hives for Sale Melbourne

Bee Services

Buy Bee Hives

The best approach for some first-timers to get in on the action is to buy bee hives that are already well-established and populated. When starting off, it’s a good idea to purchase hives from a reputable beekeeping business or an experienced beekeeper.

If you are seeking for a Bee Hive  for sale that meets your specifications, You are on the right page.  Southern Cross Bees have years of expertise in beekeeping and have a variety of hives to choose from. We are delighted to help you in choosing the ideal hives for your bee colony. Please feel free to contact us or you may also visit our place to personally check our bee hives.


Make an Enquiry

Where Do We Remove Bees From?

Abandonend Hives

Please give us a call if you have bee hives that you no longer want or can’t take care of. 

Residential Hives

Bees may select to use your home as a place for their hive. Wherever they choose, we can safely remove them for you.

Commercial Hives

Bees often nest in buildings and commercial spaces, even on machinery and roof spaces. If you notice a hive at work, let us know and we will safely remove the colony.

Bees Hives

For the bees, all that matters is a dry and secure home. The only purpose of the bee hive is to make the beekeeper’s life easier. Thus, beekeepers tailor their decisions concerning bee hives to their own needs and preferences. Beekeepers in low-income regions often have only a few hives options to choose from. The first kind is called fixed comb hives, and it looks remarkably like a natural beehive since the combs are permanently affixed to the inside wall. Another kind of hive is the top-bar hive, which consists of a basic box with a number of individual bars arranged side by side on top; the bees construct a single comb on a single top bar. Finally, there are Frame hives, where the bees are trained to construct their combs inside of prefabricated frames that may be put into a centrifugal honey extractor. After being extracted, the combs are returned to the hives intact.


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