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Beeswax Candles

Southern Cross Bees - Bee Removal Melbourne - Bee and wasp removal

Beeswax Candles Melbourne

Light your house with the glow of an Australian organic beeswax candle that produces no harmful emissions. Our beeswax candles are chemical-free so can experience the natural scent that only beeswax can provide.

Beeswax Candle

When you purchase Southern Cross Bees’ certified organic beeswax candles, you may feel good knowing that you are helping to make the world a better place. We demonstrate environmental sensitivity by our decisions and actions. We care about living things and have a long history with bees.

Beeswax Candle - Southern Cross Bees

Worker bees produce beeswax. It is released from glands on the underside of the abdomen and forms the honeycomb, which serves as a storage place for honey and pollen as well as a brood chamber for larval bees. 

Beeswax candle are the only candles that have been shown to help alleviate the symptoms of asthma, hay fever, and chemical sensitivities, as well as to aid persons with sleep or brain fog. The use of beeswax candles decreases the effects of electrical radiation emitted by computers, televisions, and other electrical devices.

Our pure beeswax candles are the best for Southern Cross Bees.

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