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Queen Bees for Sale

Southern Cross Bees - Bee Removal Melbourne - Bee and wasp removal

Queen Bees for Sale in Melbourne

The Southern Cross Bees believes that all beekeepers must understand the importance of the Queen Bee and its effect on the hive. A “Queen Bee” is the term given to the dominant female in a honey bee colony or hive since she generally lays the eggs for the bulk of the worker bees. Every beekeeper must understand the role of the queen and how she interacts with the workers and drones. They can then use this information to monitor the colony’s health and identify problems as they arise.

There are several reasons why Southern Cross Bees choose the Italian Queen Bee. These bees are gentle and simple to deal with unless they sense any potential dangers. Most beekeepers don’t even bother with a veil while they’re working in the apiary. The Italian bees are renowned for their high levels of honey and brood production, two of the finest qualities a bee colony can have. That’s why they’re perfect for honeybee bundles, making propolis, and making royal jelly.  Finally, the Italian bees show remarkable versatility not just in Europe but all over the world.

Bee Services

Buy Queen Bees

Our Italian Queen Bees are gentle, cooperative workers who produce a tremendous amount of honey and pollen. They are also useful for the breeding of new queens. They are cultivated for their low-swarming behaviour and have been known for cleanliness, gentleness, illness resistance, and massive honey production. Southern Cross Bees Queen Bee is suitable for all levels of beekeepers, whether you are a beginner or a seasoned expert.

Cultivating The Queen Bee

The Italian honeybees has a pale yellow or brown body with dark brown and black stripes. They start raising their young in the spring and keep doing so all the way until the end of the season, resulting in a massive population. Colonies of this size may gather a lot of nectar in a short length of time, but they also need more honey for survival in the autumn and winter than in the dark races. Most Italian bee strains are peaceful, easy on the combs, and reliable housekeepers. Their bright white cappings are perfect for making honey comb.

Bee Services - Southern Cross Bees
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bee pollination services, pollination services, bee polination, bee pollon Melbourne (1)

Make an Enquiry

Experts in all Things Bees

Beekeeping and bee conservation are deeply important to us. We recognise the important contribution bees provide to our ecosystem. We have a strong network of beekeepers and specialists in bee gathering.

Rehoming Bees

All bees are removed from the location safely and with minimal disruption to the hive. Bees are then relocated to a safe location far away from your home or business.

Bee Removal Cost

It is preferable to remove bees than to harm them because they are so crucial to the global environment. The cost for a simple bee swarm removal can cost between $120 – $300, however some hives may have moved into your home, in behind a wall for example, requiring a lot more work, this can cost up to and sometimes over $1000. Our pricing is always fair and charged based on the time and equipment required.

Where Do We Remove Bees From?

Abandonend Hives

Please give us a call if you have bee hives that you no longer want or can’t take care of. We promise that at our rescue apiaries, your bees will get excellent care.

Residential Hives

We have seen bees in just about any place you can think of, bees may select to use your home as a great place for their hive, wherever they choose, we can safely remove them for you.

Commercial Hives

Bees don’t discriminate, bees often nest in buildings and commercial spaces, even on machinery and roof spaces. If you notice a hive at work, let us know and we will safely rehome the colony.

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