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Wasp Nest Removal

Southern Cross Bees - Bee Removal Melbourne - Bee and wasp removal

Wasp Nest Removal Melbourne

Effective bee and wasp removal is crucial because wasp nests and bee hives pose a risk to those around (typically in the vicinity of homes). Before contacting a pest control business, give us a call. The bees will be carefully relocated.

Wasp Removal

With Southern Cross Bees’ years of experience, our wasp professionals will perform the pest and wasp removal according to the treatment plan. We employ sophisticated tools and safety equipment to reach the wasp infestation and successfully eliminate it.

Wasp Nest Removal

Wasps may be divided generally into two groups: solitary and sociable. Unlike solitary wasps, which live alone and deposit their eggs close to a food supply, social wasps reside in tiny colonies with queens and males. While some wasps are parasitic or aggressive, others are crucial to pollination. The paper wasp is the wasp that people in Melbourne most frequently come into contact with. 

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